SpaceVIL documentation:
C# .NET reference
Java .NET reference

Release notes of SpaceVIL. Current version:

Release date: 06.19.2020

- Undo/redo improvements in TextArea and TextEdit;
- Font change functions (changeFontSize, changeFontStyle, changeFontFamily) moved from GraphicsMathService to FontService;
- Control + Backspace/Delete shortcuts are added to text objects;
- TextEdit onMouseDouble/TripleClick fixed;
- Added InputBox, OpenEntryBox;
- Updated and fixed styles for several items;
- Fixed rare crash when window initialization fails;
- Fixed current selected item index getting of ComboBoxDropDown;
- Fixed Vertical/HorizontalScrollBar scrolling events;
- Improved MessageBox/Item, changed styles of these items;
- Fixed a lot of common bugs in SpaceVIL;

SpaceVIL Release date: 04.21.2020

- Refactoring:
  - documentation .Net (website) - dotnet docs
  - documentation .Net (for IDE - xml):
  - documentation JVM (website): jvm docs
  - documentation JVM (for IDE - javadoc): spacevil-javadoc.jar
  - Cleared unused classes, enums, interfaces (examples in the GitHub repository have been updated accordingly)
  - Renamed some of classes, enums, interfaces, methods (examples in the GitHub repository have been updated accordingly)

- Added IMovable (InterfaceMovable) interface;
- Added EventMouseMove event in Prototype;
- Added Hold() and Proceed() methods to CoreWindow class (see documentation to know more);
- Fixed IsMaximized property in CoreWindow class;
- Fixed using ItemStateType.Toggled;
- Fixed some styles in Style class;
- Fixed a lot of common bugs in SpaceVIL;

SpaceVIL Release date: 01.31.2020

- Added HDPI scaling system;
- Added IOpenGLLayer (for java - InterfaceOpenGLLayer) to provide access to OpenGL technology (see example at GitHub );
- Added property to Vertical/HorizontalSlider - SetIgnoreStep()/IsIgnoreStep();
- Added new class - RenderService;
- Improved class - DisplayService;
- Improved quality of TextArea;
- Fixed ItemState system when items get Focused state;
- Fixed app crash when trying to show DialogWindow if any other ActiveWindow does not exist;
- Fixed TreeView horizontal scroll item;
- Fixed TextEdit style;
- Fixed SpinItem;
- Fixed IsCentered property of ActiveWindow/DialogWindow;
- Fixed some small common bugs in SpaceVIL;

SpaceVIL Release date: 12.20.2019

- Fixed shortcuts issues in TextView;
- Fixed some small common bugs in SpaceVIL;

SpaceVIL Release date: 11.11.2019

- Added Effect manager (Decoration namespace);
- Added first effect - SubtractFigure;
- Added refresh VRAM manager;
- Added wrap text property to TextArea;
- Added new item - TextView (the same as TextArea except for text editing functions);
- Fixed ComboBox keyboard inputs;
- Fixed ContextMenu bugs (adding items after initialization);
- Fixed some small common bugs in SpaceVIL;
- Hotfix: SubtractEffect;

SpaceVIL Release date: 09.26.2019

- Added static class ToolTip for managing ToolTipItem of the current window;
- Increased ImageItem initialization performance;
- Increased SetIcon initialization performance;
- Increased SetCursor initialization performance;
- Fixed ComboBox style;
- Fixed ToolTip style applying;

SpaceVIL Release date: 09.26.2019

- Fixed ComboBox bugs;
- Fixed some small common bugs in SpaceVIL;

SpaceVIL Release date: 09.24.2019

- Major: SpaceVIL for NetCore is now compiled into one cross-platform library;

GLFW library should be renamed to "glfw.dll" (if you download binaries from the official GLFW website, you get a library named "glfw3.dll")

- Fixed ComboBox bugs;
- Improved cursor mouse hovering algorithm;
- Improved window resize performance;
- Fixed some small common bugs in SpaceVIL;

SpaceVIL Release date: 07.26.2019

- Major: Increased rendering performance;
- Fixed key bindings for Mac OS X version of SpaceVIL;
- Changed version of the System.Common.Drawing package (for Net Core);
- Changed version of the runtime.osx.10.10-x64.CoreCompat.System.Drawing package (for Net Core);
- Add Graph class;
- Fixed some common bugs in SpaceVIL;

SpaceVIL Release date: 07.26.2019

- HotFix: Increase text rendering performance;
- Fixed some common bugs in SpaceVIL;

SpaceVIL Release date: 07.02.2019

- Added some TabView & Tab improvements;
- HotFix JVM: changing cursor position in TextArea now works correctly;
- Fixed some common bugs in SpaceVIL;

SpaceVIL Release date: 06.20.2019

- HotFix: text input when some part of the text is selected now works correctly;
- Fixed some common bugs in SpaceVIL;

SpaceVIL Release date: 05.29.2019

- Added WindowManager class;
- Added multiwindow support for Mac OS X;
- Added EventOnStart to ActiveWindow/DialogWindow;
- Added ToggleFullScreen() method to ActiveWindow/DialogWindow;
- Added setShadeColor/getShadeColor methods to ActiveWindow/DialogWindow;
- Fixed issues when SetX/Y and SetWidth/Height have no effect if they are called during runtime;
- MessageBox updated to MessageItem functionality;
- Improve common stability of SpaceVIL;
- Fixed some common bugs in SpaceVIL;

SpaceVIL Release date: 05.16.2019

- Fixed the AppendText method in TextArea when TextArea is set as non-editable;
- Fixed keyboard inputs in Linux version;
- Fixed some small bugs;

SpaceVIL Release date: 05.08.2019
- Fixed crash of SpaceVIL JVM when typing;
- Add transparent buffer support for windows (require glfw 3.3 version);

SpaceVIL Release date: 05.03.2019
- Fixed some memory leak;
- Improved Horizontal/VerticalStack;
- Improved WrapGrid, ListBox;
- TabView improvements:
    - Added Tab element to improve usability of TabView;
    - Added Tab style (each Tab in TabVew can be styled differently);
    - Added functions: AddTab /by Tab, /by Tab Name, /by Tab Text;
    - Added functions: RemoveTab /by Tab, /by Tab Name, /by Tab Text;
    - Added functions: RemoveTab /By Tab, /by Tab Name, /by Tab Text;
    - Added functions: AddItemToTab /by Tab, /by Tab Name, /by Tab Text;
    - Added function GetTabs();
    - Fixed TabView bugs;
- Changed IFloating (InterfaceFloating) usage to improve usability;
- Style class contains Shadow property now;
- Improve common stability of SpaceVIL;
- Fixed some common bugs in SpaceVIL;

SpaceVIL Release date: 04.22.2019
- Hotfix: fixed containers (in getItems/clear methods) crash in some situations;
- Hotfix: fixed redraw frequency;

SpaceVIL Release date: 04.15.2019
- Added WrapGrid item;
- Added LoadingScreen item;
- Added SideArea item;
- Added OpenEntryDialog item;
- Added release() method for Prototype;
- Added clear() method to Prototype;
- Added custom mouse cursor support;
- Added drug&drop files/folders support;
- Added EventMouseLeave;
- Added EventClose support to CoreWindow;
- Added 21 icons for using;
- Added RedrawFrequency property to CoreWindow;
- Added InputDialog item;
- Added lots of Improvements to the TextArea item;
- Improve window creation system;
- Improve PasswordLine item;
- Improve TextEdit item;
- Improve text render quality in Java version;
- ImageItem improvements:
    - Added color overlay;
    - Added keep aspect ratio property;
    - Added rotation image;
    - Improve render performance;
    - Added method ScaleBitmap to GraphicsMathService;
- Vertical/HorizontalStack improvements:;
    - Added content aligment property;
- Label improvements:
    - Added multiline support;
- MessageItem improvements:
    - Added user buttons support (MessageItem customization);
- Added clone() method to Style;
- Added getDefaultCommonStyle() method to Style;
- Fixed SplitArea bugs;
- Fixed ListBox bugs;
- Fixed ContextMenu bugs;
- Fixed PopUpMessage bugs;
- Fixed maximize method of CoreWindow;
- Fixed key input events in Java;
- Lots of engine fixes and optimizations;
- Increase stability;
and more;

SpaceVIL Release date: 02.12.2019
- Fixed resize render issue;
- Default coordinates are changed when a window appears;
- MessageBox appears in center of the display;

SpaceVIL Release date: 02.12.2019
- Added Mac OS Retina displays DPI support;
- Added GetSpaceVILInfo() method;
- Added IsChecked() and SetChecked() for RadioButton and CheckBox;
- Fixed MessageItem performance;
- Fixed reading images for icons;
- Fixed some TextArea and TextEdit interaction issues;
- Fixed some text render issues;
- Improved framework stability;

SpaceVIL 0.3.1-ALPHA Release date: 01.30.2019
- Added Mac OS X support;
- Added DialogItem and MessageItem;
- Added InitSpaceVILComponents method;
- Added substrate text to TextEdit and PasswordLine;
- Fixed some text render issues;
- Improved text render performance;
- Improved framework stability;

Previous version: 0.3.0-ALPHA

SpaceVIL documentation:
C# .NET reference
Java .NET reference