bool | GetResult () |
| Get MessageBox result. Default: False More...
int | GetUserButtonResult () |
| Getting result from custom toolbar (if it was created). More...
ButtonCore | GetOkButton () |
| Getting OK button for appearance customizing or assigning new actions. More...
ButtonCore | GetCancelButton () |
| Getting CANCEL button for appearance customizing or assigning new actions. More...
| MessageBox () |
| Default MessageBox constructor. More...
| MessageBox (String message, String title) |
| Constructs a MessageBox with specified message and title. More...
void | SetMessageText (String text) |
| Setting a text of message of MessageBox. More...
String | GetMessageText () |
| Getting the current text of message of MessageBox. More...
void | SetTitle (String title) |
| Setting a text of title of MessageBox. More...
String | GetTitle () |
| Getting the current text of title of MessageBox. More...
override void | InitWindow () |
| Initialize MessageBox window. More...
override void | Show () |
| Show MessageBox window. More...
override void | Close () |
| Close MessageBox window. More...
void | AddUserButton (ButtonCore button, int id) |
| Adding a custom user button to toolbal with the specified ID. More...
Style | GetDialogButtonStyle () |
| Getting the current style of a custom user button (that placed into user's toolbar). More...
void | SetDialogButtonStyle (Style style) |
| Setting a style for a custom user button (that placed into user's toolbar). More...
void | SetStyle (Style style) |
| Setting a style for entire MessageBox. Inner styles: "window", "message", "layout", "toolbar", "userbar" (custom toolbar), "button". More...
| DialogWindow () |
| Constructs a DialogWindow More...
| CoreWindow () |
| Constructs a CoreWindow. More...
void | SetParameters (String name, String title) |
| Setting basic window attributes. More...
void | SetParameters (String name, String title, int width, int height) |
| Setting basic window attributes More...
void | SetParameters (String name, String title, int width, int height, bool isBorder) |
| Setting basic window attributes. More...
int | GetCount () |
| - Returns
- Count of all CoreWindows
Guid | GetWindowGuid () |
| - Returns
- CoreWindow unique ID
void | SetBackground (Color color) |
| Setting window background color. More...
void | SetBackground (int r, int g, int b) |
| Setting window background color. More...
void | SetBackground (int r, int g, int b, int a) |
| Setting window background color. More...
void | SetBackground (float r, float g, float b) |
| Setting window background color. More...
void | SetBackground (float r, float g, float b, float a) |
| Setting window background color. More...
Color | GetBackground () |
| Getting window background color. More...
void | SetPadding (Indents padding) |
| Setting padding indents. Padding is the space that’s inside the element between the element and the border. More...
void | SetPadding (int left, int top, int right, int bottom) |
| Setting padding indents. Padding is the space that’s inside the element between the element and the border. More...
List< IBaseItem > | GetItems () |
| Getting items as a list of IBaseItem items. More...
void | AddItem (IBaseItem item) |
| Adding an item to the window. More...
void | AddItems (params IBaseItem[] items) |
| Allows to add multiple items to the window. More...
void | InsertItem (IBaseItem item, int index) |
| Allows you to insert an item at a specified position. More...
bool | RemoveItem (IBaseItem item) |
| Removing a specified item. More...
void | Clear () |
| Removing all containing items in the window. More...
void | SetWindowName (String value) |
| Setting the window name. The window name is the string ID of the window and may differ from the window title. More...
String | GetWindowName () |
| Getting the window name. More...
void | SetWindowTitle (String title) |
| Setting the window title text. More...
String | GetWindowTitle () |
| Getting the title text. More...
void | SetWidth (int width) |
| Setting the window width. More...
void | SetHeight (int height) |
| Setting the window height. More...
void | SetSize (int width, int height) |
| Setting the window size in pixels: width and height. More...
void | SetMinWidth (int width) |
| Setting the window minimum width. More...
void | SetMinHeight (int height) |
| Setting the window minimum height. More...
void | SetMinSize (int width, int height) |
| Setting the minimum window size in pixels: width and height. More...
void | SetMaxWidth (int width) |
| Setting the window maximum width. More...
void | SetMaxHeight (int height) |
| Setting the window maximum height. More...
void | SetMaxSize (int width, int height) |
| Setting the maximum window size in pixels: width and height. More...
int | GetMinWidth () |
| Getting the current minimum window width. More...
int | GetWidth () |
| Getting the current minimum window width. More...
int | GetMaxWidth () |
| Getting the current maximum window width. More...
int | GetMinHeight () |
| Getting the current minimum window height. More...
int | GetHeight () |
| Getting the current window height. More...
int | GetMaxHeight () |
| Getting the current maximum window height. More...
Core.Size | GetSize () |
| Getting the current window size. More...
void | SetX (int x) |
| Setting the window x-coordinate (the left-top window corner). Relocating the window at specified x-coordinate. More...
int | GetX () |
| Getting the current window x-coordinate. More...
void | SetY (int y) |
| Setting the window y-coordinate (the left-top window corner). Relocating the window at specified y-coordinate. More...
int | GetY () |
| Getting the current window y-coordinate. More...
void | SetPosition (int x, int y) |
| Setting the window x-coordinate and y-coordinate (the left-top window corner). Relocating the window at specified coordinates. More...
void | SetPosition (Position position) |
| Setting the window x-coordinate and y-coordinate (the left-top window corner). Relocating the window at specified coordinates. More...
Position | GetPosition () |
| Getting the current window position. More...
void | SetAntiAliasingQuality (MSAA msaa) |
| Setting the anti aliasing quality (off, x2, x4, x8). Default: MSAA.MSAA4x More...
bool | IsFocused () |
| Lets to know if the current window is focused or not. More...
void | Focus () |
| Sets the window focused. More...
void | Minimize () |
| Sets the window minimized. More...
void | Maximize () |
| Sets the window maximized. More...
void | ToggleFullScreen () |
| Toggles the window to full screen mode or windowed mode. More...
Prototype | GetFocusedItem () |
| Getting the current focused item in the current window. More...
void | SetFocusedItem (Prototype item) |
| Setting the specified item to the focused state. More...
void | ResetFocus () |
| Returns focus to the root item of the window. More...
void | SetIcon (Bitmap iconBig, Bitmap iconSmall) |
| Sets the icons of the current window. More...
void | SetHidden (bool value) |
| Hides of unhides the current window. More...
void | SetRenderFrequency (RedrawFrequency value) |
| Lets to set the rendering frequency. Default: SpaceVIL.Core.RedrawFrequency.Low More...
RedrawFrequency | GetRenderFrequency () |
| Getting the current rendering frequency. More...
void | SetAspectRatio (int w, int h) |
| Lets to set aspect ratio. More...
void | SetBorder (Border border) |
| Setting the border of the root item of the window. More...
void | SetBorderFill (Color fill) |
| Setting the color of the window border. More...
void | SetBorderFill (int r, int g, int b) |
| Setting the color of the window border. More...
void | SetBorderFill (int r, int g, int b, int a) |
| Setting the color of the window border. More...
void | SetBorderFill (float r, float g, float b) |
| Setting the color of the window border. More...
void | SetBorderFill (float r, float g, float b, float a) |
| Setting the color of the window border. More...
void | SetBorderRadius (CornerRadius radius) |
| Setting the corner radii of the window border. More...
void | SetBorderRadius (int radius) |
| Setting the common corner radius of the window border. More...
void | SetBorderThickness (int thickness) |
| Setting the window border thickness. More...
CornerRadius | GetBorderRadius () |
| Getting the current window border corner radii. More...
int | GetBorderThickness () |
| Getting the current window border thickness. More...
Color | GetBorderFill () |
| Getting the current window border color. More...
Int64 | GetGLWID () |
| Getting the GLFW ID of the window. More...
void | SetShadeColor (Color color) |
| Setting the dimmer color of the window. The dimmer appears when the current window opens a dialog window. More...
void | SetShadeColor (int r, int g, int b) |
| Setting the dimmer color of the window. The dimmer appears when the current window opens a dialog window. More...
void | SetShadeColor (int r, int g, int b, int a) |
| Setting the dimmer color of the window. The dimmer appears when the current window opens a dialog window. More...
void | SetShadeColor (float r, float g, float b) |
| Setting the dimmer color of the window. The dimmer appears when the current window opens a dialog window. More...
void | SetShadeColor (float r, float g, float b, float a) |
| Setting the dimmer color of the window. The dimmer appears when the current window opens a dialog window. More...
Color | GetShadeColor () |
| Getting the current dimmer color. More...
Area | GetWorkArea () |
| Getting the area of a primary monitor. The work area not occupied by global task bars or menu bars. More...
Scale | GetDpiScale () |
| Getting DPI scale for the current window. More...
void | Hold () |
| Makes this window inactive. Window cannot receive and process any input events. Tip: to restore window activity use CoreWindow.Proceed(). More...
void | Proceed () |
| Restores window activity. Window may receive and process any input events. Tip: used with CoreWindow.Hold() method which makes a window inactive. More...
EventCommonMethod | OnCloseDialog |
| An event to describe the actions that must be performed after the window is closed. Event type: SpaceVIL.EventCommonMethod. Function arguments: none. More...
bool | IsDialog |
| A flag that determines whether the current window is dialog or not. True: window is dialog. False: window is NOT dialog. Default: False. More...
bool | IsClosed |
| A flag that determines whether the current window is in closed state or not. True: window is closed. False: window is opened. Default: True. More...
bool | IsHidden |
| A flag that determines whether the current window is in hidden state or not. True: window is hidden. False: window is unhidden. Default: False. More...
bool | IsResizable |
| A flag that determines whether the current window can be resize or not. True: window is resizable. False: window is NOT resizable. Default: True. More...
bool | IsAlwaysOnTop |
| A flag that determines whether the current window is always on top of all other windows or not. True: window is on top. False: window is NOT on top. Default: False. More...
bool | IsBorderHidden |
| A flag that shows/hides native the current window border decoration. True: native window border is HIDDEN. False: native window border is SHOWN. Default: False. More...
bool | IsCentered |
| A flag that determines whether the current window will first appear in the center of the screen or not. True: window is centered. False: window is NOT centered. Default: True. More...
bool | IsFocusable |
bool | IsOutsideClickClosable |
| A flag that determines whether the current window can be closed if the mouse is clicked outside of the current window or not. True: window can be closed if the mouse is clicked outside. False: window can NOT be closed if the mouse is clicked outside. Default: False. More...
bool | IsMaximized |
| A flag that determines whether the current window will first appear maximized or not. True: window will first appear maximized. False: window will NOT first appear maximized. Default: False. More...
bool | IsTransparent |
| A flag that determines whether the current window can be transparent or not. True: window can be transparent. False: window can NOT be transparent. Default: False. More...
EventCommonMethod | EventOnStart |
| Lets to describe the actions when the window starts. More...
EventCommonMethod | EventClose |
| Lets to describe the actions when closing the window. More...
EventWindowDropMethod | EventDrop |
| Lets to describe the actions when you drag and drop files/folders to the current window. More...
EventCommonMethodState | EventResize |
| ATTENTION! Not implemented yet. More...
EventCommonMethodState | EventDestroy |
| ATTENTION! Not implemented yet. More...
EventMouseMethodState | EventMouseHover |
| Lets to describe the actions when mouse cursor hovers the root item of the window. More...
EventMouseMethodState | EventMouseLeave |
| Lets to describe the actions when mouse cursor leaves the root item of the window. More...
EventMouseMethodState | EventMouseClick |
| Lets to describe the actions when the root item of the window was clicked. More...
EventMouseMethodState | EventMouseDoubleClick |
| Lets to describe the actions when the root item of the window was double clicked. More...
EventMouseMethodState | EventMousePress |
| Lets to describe the actions when the root item of the window was pressed. More...
EventMouseMethodState | EventMouseDrag |
| Lets to describe the actions when the mouse button was pressed and moved inside the root item of the window. More...
EventMouseMethodState | EventMouseDrop |
| Lets to describe the actions when the mouse button was released after dragging. More...
EventMouseMethodState | EventScrollUp |
| Lets to describe the actions when mouse wheel scrolls up. More...
EventMouseMethodState | EventScrollDown |
| Lets to describe the actions when mouse wheel scrolls down. More...
EventKeyMethodState | EventKeyPress |
| Lets to describe the actions when a keyboard key was pressed. More...
EventKeyMethodState | EventKeyRelease |
| Lets to describe the actions when a keyboard key was released. More...
EventInputTextMethodState | EventTextInput |
| Lets to describe the actions when you type text. More...