void | SetSplitPosition (int position) |
| Setting position of the split holder. More...
void | SetSplitColor (Color color) |
| Setting split holder color. More...
| HorizontalSplitArea () |
| Defaults HorizontalSplitArea constructor. More...
override void | InitElements () |
| Initializing all elements in the HorizontalSplitArea. Notice: This method is mainly for overriding only. SpaceVIL calls this method if necessary and no need to call it manually. More...
void | AssignTopItem (IBaseItem item) |
| Assign item on the top area of the HorizontalSplitArea. More...
void | AssignBottomItem (IBaseItem item) |
| Assign item on the bottom area of the HorizontalSplitArea. More...
override void | SetHeight (int height) |
| Setting HorizontalSplitArea height. If the value is greater/less than the maximum/minimum value of the height, then the height becomes equal to the maximum/minimum value. More...
override void | SetY (int y) |
| Setting Y coordinate of the left-top corner of the HorizontalSplitArea. More...
void | UpdateLayout () |
| Updating all children positions (implementation of SpaceVIL.Core.IVLayout). More...
void | SetSplitThickness (int thickness) |
| Setting thickness of SplitHolder divider. More...
override void | SetStyle (Style style) |
| Seting style of the HorizontalSplitArea. Inner styles: "splitholder". More...
| Prototype () |
| Default constructor of Prototype class. More...
virtual void | Release () |
| Method to describe disposing item's resources if the item was removed. Notice: This method is mainly for overriding only. SpaceVIL calls this method if necessary and no need to call it manually. More...
void | SetHandler (CoreWindow handler) |
| Setting the window to which the item will belong. More...
CoreWindow | GetHandler () |
| Getting the window to which the item belongs. More...
String | GetToolTip () |
| Getting tooltip text of the item. Tooltip is hint about an item that appears when you hold the mouse cursor over an item long enough. More...
void | SetToolTip (String text) |
| Setting tooltip text of the item. Tooltip is hint about an item that appears when you hold the mouse cursor over an item long enough. More...
Prototype | GetParent () |
| Getting the parent of the item. More...
void | SetParent (Prototype parent) |
| Setting the parent of the item. More...
Spacing | GetSpacing () |
| Getting indents between children of a container type item. More...
void | SetSpacing (Spacing spacing) |
| Setting indents between children of a container type item. More...
void | SetSpacing (int horizontal=0, int vertical=0) |
| Setting indents between children of a container type item. More...
Indents | GetPadding () |
| Getting indents of an item for offset its children. More...
void | SetPadding (Indents padding) |
| Setting indents of an item to offset its children. More...
void | SetPadding (int left=0, int top=0, int right=0, int bottom=0) |
| Setting indents of an item to offset its children. More...
Indents | GetMargin () |
| Getting the indents of an item to offset itself relative to its container. More...
void | SetMargin (Indents margin) |
| Setting the indents of an item to offset itself relative to its container. More...
void | SetMargin (int left=0, int top=0, int right=0, int bottom=0) |
| Setting the indents of an item to offset itself relative to its container. More...
void | SetBorder (Border border) |
| Setting border of an item's shape. Border consist of corner radiuses, thickness and color. More...
void | SetBorderFill (Color fill) |
| Setting the border color of an item's shape. More...
Color | GetBorderFill () |
| Getting the border color oa an item's shape. More...
void | SetBorderFill (int r, int g, int b, int a=255) |
| Setting the border color of an item's shape in byte RGBA format. More...
void | SetBorderFill (float r, float g, float b, float a=1.0f) |
| Setting the border color of an item's shape in float RGBA format. More...
void | SetBorderRadius (CornerRadius radius) |
| Setting radius of the border's corners. More...
void | SetBorderRadius (int radius) |
| Setting border radius with the same values for each corner of the rectangle object. More...
CornerRadius | GetBorderRadius () |
| Getting border radiuses. More...
void | SetBorderThickness (int thickness) |
| Setting border thickness of an item's shape. More...
int | GetBorderThickness () |
| Getting border thickness of an item's shape. More...
List< float[]> | GetTriangles () |
| Getting triangles of item's shape. More...
virtual void | SetTriangles (List< float[]> triangles) |
| Setting triangles as item's shape. More...
virtual void | MakeShape () |
| Making default item's shape. Use in conjunction with GetTriangles() and SetTriangles() methods. Notice: This method is mainly for overriding only. SpaceVIL calls this method if necessary and no need to call it manually. More...
virtual void | SetBackground (Color color) |
| Setting background color of an item's shape. More...
virtual void | SetBackground (int r, int g, int b) |
| Setting background color of an item's shape in byte RGB format. More...
virtual void | SetBackground (int r, int g, int b, int a) |
| Setting background color of an item in byte RGBA format. More...
virtual void | SetBackground (float r, float g, float b) |
| Setting background color of an item in float RGB format. More...
virtual void | SetBackground (float r, float g, float b, float a) |
| Setting background color of an item in float RGBA format. More...
virtual Color | GetBackground () |
| Getting background color of an item. More...
void | SetItemName (string name) |
| Setting the name of the item. More...
string | GetItemName () |
| Getting the name of the item. More...
void | SetMinWidth (int width) |
| Setting the minimum width limit. Actual width cannot be less than this limit. More...
int | GetMinWidth () |
| Getting the minimum width limit. More...
virtual void | SetWidth (int width) |
| Setting item width. If the value is greater/less than the maximum/minimum value of the width, then the width becomes equal to the maximum/minimum value. More...
virtual int | GetWidth () |
| Getting item width. More...
void | SetMaxWidth (int width) |
| Setting the maximum width limit. Actual width cannot be greater than this limit. More...
int | GetMaxWidth () |
| Getting the maximum width limit. More...
void | SetMinHeight (int height) |
| Setting the minimum height limit. Actual height cannot be less than this limit. More...
int | GetMinHeight () |
| Getting the minimum height limit. More...
virtual int | GetHeight () |
| Getting item height. More...
void | SetMaxHeight (int height) |
| Setting the maximum height limit. Actual height cannot be greater than this limit. More...
int | GetMaxHeight () |
| Getting the maximum height limit. More...
virtual void | SetSize (int width, int height) |
| Setting item size (width and height). More...
Core.Size | GetSize () |
| Getting current item size. More...
void | SetMinSize (int width, int height) |
| Setting minimum item size limit (width and height limits). More...
Core.Size | GetMinSize () |
| Getting current item minimum size limit. More...
void | SetMaxSize (int width, int height) |
| Setting maximum item size limit (width and height limits). More...
Core.Size | GetMaxSize () |
| Getting current item maximum size limit. More...
void | SetAlignment (ItemAlignment alignment) |
| Setting an alignment of an item's shape relative to its container. Combines with alignment by vertically (Top, VCenter, Bottom) and horizontally (Left, HCenter, Right). More...
void | SetAlignment (params ItemAlignment[] alignment) |
| Setting an alignment of an item's shape relative to its container. Combines with alignment by vertically (Top, VCenter, Bottom) and horizontally (Left, HCenter, Right). More...
ItemAlignment | GetAlignment () |
| Getting an alignment of an item's shape relative to its container. More...
void | SetSizePolicy (SizePolicy width, SizePolicy height) |
| Setting the size policy of an item's shape. Can be Fixed (shape not changes its size) or Expand (shape is stretched to all available space). More...
void | SetWidthPolicy (SizePolicy policy) |
| Setting width policy of an item's shape. Can be Fixed (shape not changes its size) or Expand (shape is stretched to all available space). More...
SizePolicy | GetWidthPolicy () |
| Getting width policy of an item's shape.Can be Fixed (shape not changes its size) or Expand (shape is stretched to all available space). More...
void | SetHeightPolicy (SizePolicy policy) |
| Setting height policy of an item's shape. Can be Fixed (shape not changes its size) or Expand (shape is stretched to all available space). More...
SizePolicy | GetHeightPolicy () |
| Getting height policy of an item's shape.Can be Fixed (shape not changes its size) or Expand (shape is stretched to all available space). More...
virtual void | SetPosition (int x, int y) |
| Setting item position. More...
virtual void | SetX (int x) |
| Setting X coordinate of the left-top corner of a shape. More...
virtual int | GetX () |
| Getting X coordinate of the left-top corner of a shape. More...
virtual int | GetY () |
| Getting Y coordinate of the left-top corner of a shape. More...
virtual void | SetConfines () |
| Setting the confines of the item relative to its parent's size and position. Example: items can be partially (or completely) outside the container (example: ListBox), in which case the part that is outside the container should not be visible and should not interact with the user. More...
virtual void | SetConfines (int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1) |
| Setting the confines of the item relative to specified bounds. Example: items can be partially (or completely) outside the container (example: ListBox), in which case the part that is outside the container should not be visible and should not interact with the user. More...
virtual Style | GetCoreStyle () |
| Getting the core (only appearance properties without inner styles) style of an item. More...
bool | IsShadowDrop () |
| Getting the shadow visibility status of an item. More...
void | SetShadowDrop (bool value) |
| Setting the shadow visibility status of an item. More...
void | SetShadowRadius (int radius) |
| Setting the specified blur radius of the shadow. Default: 0. More...
int | GetShadowRadius () |
| Getting the shadow blur raduis. More...
Color | GetShadowColor () |
| Getting shadow color. More...
void | SetShadowColor (Color color) |
| Setting shadow color. More...
Position | GetShadowPos () |
| Getting the offset of the shadow relative to the position of the item. More...
int[] | GetShadowExtension () |
| Getting the values of shadow extensions in pixels. More...
void | SetShadowExtension (int wExtension, int hExtension) |
| Setting the values of shadow extensions in pixels. More...
void | SetShadow (int radius, int x, int y, Color color) |
| Setting the shadow with specified blur radius, axis shifts, shadow color. More...
void | AddItemState (ItemStateType type, ItemState state) |
| Adding visual state for an item. Type can be Base, Hovered, Pressed, Toggled, Focused, Disabled. More...
void | RemoveItemState (ItemStateType type) |
| Removing visual state of an item by type. Type can be Base, Hovered, Pressed, Toggled, Focused, Disabled. More...
void | RemoveAllItemStates () |
| Removing all item visual states. More...
ItemState | GetState (ItemStateType type) |
| Getting item visual state by its type. Type can be Base, Hovered, Pressed, Toggled, Focused, Disabled. More...
virtual void | InsertItem (IBaseItem item, Int32 index) |
| Inserting item to the container (this). If the count of container elements is less than the index, then the element is added to the end of the list. More...
virtual void | AddItems (params IBaseItem[] items) |
| Adding sequence of items into the container (this). More...
virtual void | AddItem (IBaseItem item) |
| Adding item into the container (this). More...
void | Update (GeometryEventType type, int value=0) |
| Updating an item size or/and position. More...
virtual bool | IsDrawable () |
| Getting the drawable (visibility) status of an item. This property used in conjunction with the IsVisible() property. Explanation: an item can be visible and invisible, in some cases the item can be located outside the container (example: SpaceVIL.ListBox), and it must be invisible so as not to waste CPU / GPU resources, but in some cases you must control the visibility of elements that are inside container and should be invisible (example: SpaceVIL.TreeView). More...
void | SetDrawable (bool value) |
| Setting the drawable (visibility) status of an item. This property used in conjunction with the IsVisible() property. Explanation: an item can be visible and invisible, in some cases the item can be located outside the container (example: SpaceVIL.ListBox), and it must be invisible so as not to waste CPU / GPU resources, but in some cases you must control the visibility of elements that are inside container and should be invisible (example: SpaceVIL.TreeView). More...
virtual bool | IsVisible () |
| Getting the visibility status of an item. This property may used in conjunction with the IsDrawable() property. More...
virtual void | SetVisible (bool value) |
| Setting the visibility status of an item. This property may used in conjunction with the IsDrawable() property. More...
virtual bool | IsPassEvents () |
| Getting boolean value to know if this item can pass further any input events (mouse, keyboard and etc.). Tip: Need for filtering input events. More...
bool | IsPassEvents (InputEventType e) |
| Getting boolean value to know if this item can pass further the specified type of input events (mouse, keyboard and etc.). More...
List< InputEventType > | GetPassEvents () |
| Getting all allowed input events. More...
List< InputEventType > | GetBlockedEvents () |
| Getting all blocked input events. More...
void | SetPassEvents (bool value) |
| Setting on or off so that this item can pass further any input events (mouse, keyboard and etc.). More...
void | SetPassEvents (bool value, InputEventType e) |
| Setting on or off so that this item can pass further the specified type of input events (mouse, keyboard and etc.). More...
void | SetPassEvents (bool value, params InputEventType[] events) |
| Setting on or off so that this item can pass further the specified types of input events (mouse, keyboard and etc.). More...
virtual bool | IsDisabled () |
| Returns True if this item is disabled (non-interactive) otherwise returns False. More...
virtual void | SetDisabled (bool value) |
| Setting this item disabled (become non-interactive) or enabled. More...
virtual bool | IsMouseHover () |
| Returns True if this item is hovered otherwise returns False. More...
virtual void | SetMouseHover (bool value) |
| Setting this item hovered (mouse cursor located within item's shape). More...
virtual bool | IsMousePressed () |
| Returns True if mouse is pressed on this item (mouse cursor located within item's shape and any of the mouse button is pressed) otherwise False. More...
virtual void | SetMousePressed (bool value) |
| Setting True if you want that mouse is pressed on this item (mouse cursor located within item's shape and any of the mouse button is pressed) otherwise False. More...
virtual bool | IsFocused () |
| Returns True if this item gets focus otherwise False. More...
virtual void | SetFocus () |
| Setting focus on this item if it is focusable. More...
virtual List< IBaseItem > | GetItems () |
| Getting list of the Prototype's inner items (children). More...
virtual bool | RemoveItem (IBaseItem item) |
| Removing the specified item from container (this). More...
virtual void | Clear () |
| Removing all children. More...
void | SetContent (List< IBaseItem > content) |
| Setting content for this item. Note: this method is only for sorting children i.e. Prototype.GetItems() contains equal set of children as input argument: List<SpaceVIL.Core.IBaseItem> content. If content is different this method do nothing. More...
Figure | IsCustomFigure () |
| Getting the custom shape if it is set. You can set any shape using Prototype.SetCustomFigure(Figure) and it will replace the default rectangle shape. More...
void | SetCustomFigure (Figure figure) |
| Setting the custom shape to replace the default rectangle shape. More...
ItemHoverRule | GetHoverRule () |
| Getting the hovering rule of this item. Can be ItemHoverRule.Lazy or ItemHoverRule.Strict (see SpaceVIL.Core.ItemHoverRule). More...
void | SetHoverRule (ItemHoverRule rule) |
| Setting the hovering rule for this item. More...
CursorImage | GetCursor () |
| Getting the mouse cursor image of this item. More...
void | SetCursor (EmbeddedCursor type) |
| Setting mouse cursor image for this item from embedded cursors. More...
void | SetCursor (CursorImage cursor) |
| Setting mouse cursor image for this item. More...
void | SetCursor (Bitmap bitmap) |
| Creating and setting mouse cursor image for this item from specified bitmap image. More...
void | SetCursor (Bitmap bitmap, int width, int height) |
| Creating and setting mouse cursor image for this item from specified scaled bitmap image. More...