Reference for .Net version of SpaceVIL
SpaceVIL (Space of Visual Items Layout) is a cross-platform and multilingual framework for creating GUI client applications for .NET Standard, .NET Core and JVM. SpaceVIL is based on OpenGL graphic technology and GLFW. Using this framework in conjunction with .Net Core or with a JVM, you can work and create graphical client applications on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CActiveWindowActiveWindow is an abstract class for base window instances. ActiveWindow extends CoreWindow class. CoreWindow is an abstract class containing an implementation of common functionality for a window
 CBaseItemAbstract class implementation of SpaceVIL.Core.IBaseItem interface. SpaceVIL.Core.IBaseItem is the main interface of SpaceVIL environment. Contains all the necessary methods for rendering objects and interacting with them
 CBlankItemBlankItem is pure subclass of Prototype without any extensions. Example: used as cheap version of SpaceVIL.ButtonCore (SpaceVIL.ButtonCore contains text and additional methods extensions)
 CButtonCoreButtonCore is the basic implementation of a user interface button. Contains text. Supports all events except drag and drop
 CButtonToggleButtonToggle is the basic implementation of a user interface button with the ability to be enabled or be disabled. Contains text. Supports all events except drag and drop
 CCellCell is sealed class representing cell in SpaceVIL.Grid. You cannot create instances of Cell class, only to get it for proccessing from any instance of SpaceVIL.Grid class
 CCheckBoxCheckBox is the basic implementation of a user interface check box with the ability to be checked or be unchecked. Contains text and indicator. Supports all events except drag and drop
 CComboBoxComboBox is an item allowing to select one of the many options from the list. Contains text, drop-down button, drop-down list. Supports all events except drag and drop
 CComboBoxDropDownComboBoxDropDown is drop-down list implementation for ComboBox (see SpaceVIL.ComboBox). ComboBox do not contains ComboBoxDropDown in usual way (ComboBox.GetItems() does not return ComboBoxDropDown), they just connected with each other. Used for selecting option from the list. ComboBoxDropDown is a floating item (see SpaceVIL.Core.IFloating and enum SpaceVIL.Core.LayoutType) and closes when mouse click outside the ComboBoxDropDown area. Contains ListBox. Supports all events except drag and drop. Notice: All floating items render above all others items
 CContextMenuContextMenu is a menu for selecting one of the available options from the list that perform the assigned action. ContextMenu is a floating item (see SpaceVIL.Core.IFloating and enum SpaceVIL.Core.LayoutType) and closes when mouse click outside the ContextMenu area. Contains ListBox. Supports all events except drag and drop. Notice: All floating items render above all others items. ContextMenu does not pass any input events and invisible by default
 CCoreWindowCoreWindow is an abstract class containing an implementation of common functionality for a window
 CCustomShapeCustomShape is a subclass that extends from SpaceVIL.Primitive and can be any type of shapes. You must provide the correct 2D vertices (triangles) of your figure to wark with this class
 CDialogItemDialogItem is an abstract class for imitation of modal window. DialogItem extends Prototype class, IDialogItem interface
 CDialogWindowDialogWindow is an abstract class for modal window instances. DialogWindow extends CoreWindow class. CoreWindow is an abstract class containing an implementation of common functionality for a window
 CEllipseEllipse is a subclass that extends from SpaceVIL.Primitive for rendering an ellipse shape
 CFileSystemEntryFileSystemEntry is a class representing file system entry (file, folder and etc.). Used in SpaceVIL.OpenEntryDialog entry list. Contains text and icon. Supports all events except drag and drop
 CFloatItemFloatItem is a floating container for other items (see SpaceVIL.Core.IFloating). Can be moved using drag and drop events. Supports all events including drag and drop. Notice: All floating items render above all others items
 CFontServiceFontService is a static class with static methods for working with colors, shapes and images
 CFrameFrame is the basic container. It groups items based on items alignment, margins, paddings, sizes and size policies. Frame cannot receive any events, so Frame is always in the SpaceVIL.Core.ItemStateType.Base state
 CFreeAreaFreeArea is class representing an unbounded area with free location of inner items. FreeArea implements SpaceVIL.Core.IFreeLayout and SpaceVIL.Core.IDraggable. FreeArea is supposed to be used with SpaceVIL.ResizableItem. Supports all events including drag and drop
 CGraphGraph is class representing custom graphs with lines and points. Contains SpaceVIL.PointsContainer and SpaceVIL.LinesContainer. Supports all events except drag and drop
 CGraphicsMathServiceGraphicsMathService is a static class with static methods for working with colors, fonts, shapes and images
 CGridGrid is a class that represents a grid type container. Each element is in a specific grid cell. Cells size based on items margins, sizes and size policies. Grid cannot receive any events, so Grid is always in the SpaceVIL.Core.ItemStateType.Base state
 CHorizontalScrollBarHorizontalScrollBar is the basic implementation of a user interface scroll bar (horizontal version). Contains arrow buttons, slider. By default ability to get focus is disabled. Supports all events except drag and drop
 CHorizontalSliderHorizontalSlider is the basic implementation of a user interface slider (horizontal version). Contains track, handler. Supports all events including drag and drop (internal handler (SpaceVIL.ScrollHandler) supports drag and drop events)
 CHorizontalSplitAreaHorizontalSplitArea is a container with two divided areas (on top and on bottom). HorizontalSplitArea implements SpaceVIL.Core.IVLayout. Contains SpaceVIL.SplitHolder. By default ability to get focus is disabled. Supports all events except drag and drop
 CHorizontalStackHorizontalStack is a class that represents a line type container (horizontal version). HorizontalStack groups items one after another using content alignment, margins, paddings, sizes and size policies. HorizontalStack implements SpaceVIL.Core.IHLayout. By default ability to get focus is disabled. HorizontalStack cannot receive any events, so HorizontalStack is always in the SpaceVIL.Core.ItemStateType.Base state
 CImageItemImageItem is class for rendering loaded images. Supports all events except drag and drop
 CIndicatorIndicator is the basic implementation of a user interface indicator which can be in enabled state or can be disabled state. Used in SpaceVIL.CheckBox and SpaceVIL.RadioButton. Supports all events except drag and drop
 CInputDialogInputDialog - an imitation of modal window for entering text and perform assigned actions. Contains ACTION button, CANCEL button, titlebar. Supports all events except drag and drop
 CItemsLayoutBoxItemsLayoutBox is a storage-class that provides an access to existing items
 CItemsRefreshManagerItemsRefreshManager is a manager that allows you to add an item of a certain type to the queue for a forced refresh. It can be use with custom implementation of one of the types: shape, text, image. For example: a Bitmap change in an IImageItem implementation, a shape change in an IBaseItem implementation
 CLabelLabel is is the basic implementation of a user interface non-editable text item. Label has multiline text support. Supports all events except drag and drop. By default, Label is stretched to all available space in the container
 CLinesContainerLinesContainer is class for rendering lines in graph
 CListAreaListArea is a scrollable container for other elements with ability of selection. ListArea is part of SpaceVIL.ListBox which controls scrolling, resizing and etc. Supports all events except drag and drop
 CListBoxListBox is a container for SpaceVIL.ListArea (scrollable container for other elements with ability of selection) and scroll bars. ListBox controls scrolling, resizing and other actions of SpaceVIL.ListArea. Contains list area, scroll bars, menu button, navigation context menu. Supports all events except drag and drop
 CLoadingScreenLoadingScreen is designed to lock the entire window to prevent all input events during the execution of any long time task. Contains image and text. Supports all events except drag and drop
 CMenuItemMenuItem is designed to be an option in menu type items such as SpaceVIL.ContextMenu and ComboBoxDropDown. Contains text and arrow. Supports all events except drag and drop
 CMessageBoxMessageBox - a modal window for displaying any messages with ability to reply to them. It supports custom toolbar to make user's reply flexible
 CMessageItemMessageItem - an imitation of modal window for displaying any messages with ability to reply to them. It supports custom toolbar to make user's reply flexible. Contains ok button, cancel button, titlebar, toolbar. Supports all events except drag and drop
 COpenDialogAbstract class containing all common methods and properties for creating modal window for file browsing
 COpenEntryDialogOpenEntryDialog is user interface element for browsing file system to select a file or folder to open or save. Support create/rename/delete files and folders, navigate shortcuts, file filtering. Supports all events except drag and drop
 CPasswordLinePaasswordLine is designed to hide the input of text information. Contains text field, unhide button. Supports all events except drag and drop
 CPointsContainerPointsContainer is class for rendering points in graph
 CPopUpMessagePopUpMessage is designed to display short quick messages to the user. PopUpMessage disappears after a specified period of time (default: 2 seconds), or you can prevent this by moving the cursor over PopUpMessage and closing it later manually. Contains text, close button. Supports all events except drag and drop. By default PopUpMessage do not pass further any input events (mouse, keyboard and etc.)
 CPrimitiveThe Primitive is an abstract extension of BaseItem for primitive non-interactive items. Examples of subclasses: SpaceVIL.Ellipse, SpaceVIL.Rectangle, SpaceVIL.Triangle and etc
 CProgressBarLoadingScreen is designed to show progress the execution of any long time task. Contains image and text. Supports all events except drag and drop. By default ProgressBar cannot get focus
 CPrototypeThe Prototype is an abstract implementation of IBaseItem for complex interactive items. Contains all the necessary methods for rendering objects and interacting with them. Examples of subclasses: SpaceVIL.ButtonCore, SpaceVIL.TextEdit, SpaceVIL.ListBox and etc
 CRadioButtonRadioButton is the basic implementation of a user interface radio button with the ability to be checked (others radio button becomes unchecked) or be unchecked. Contains text and indicator. Supports all events except drag and drop
 CRectangleRectangle is a subclass that extends from SpaceVIL.Primitive for rendering a rectangle shape
 CResizableItemResisableItem is a special container that can move and resize by mouse input events while inside another container. Te get full functionality try to use ResizableItem with SpaceVIL.FreeArea container. Supports all events including drag and drop
 CScrollHandlerScrollHandler is part of SpaceVIL.HorizontalSlider and SpaceVIL.VerticalSlider. ScrollHandler is responsible for handler dragging. Supports all events including drag and drop
 CSelectionItemSelectionItem is designed to be a wrapper (selection showing) of items in special containers that supports item selection such as SpaceVIL.ListBox, SpaceVIL.TreeView, SpaceVIL.WrapGrid. Can resize by size of wrapped item. Supports all events except drag and drop
 CSideAreaSideArea is a container designed to show when it is needed, and the rest of the time SideArea is hidden. SideArea is a floating item (see SpaceVIL.Core.IFloating and enum SpaceVIL.Core.LayoutType) Always attached to one of the four sides of window. Contains close button and resizable area. Supports all events except drag and drop. Notice: All floating items render above all others items. SideArea does not pass any input events and invisible by default
 CSpinItemSpinItem is designed as a user interface element that can increase and decrease the value by a specific step. Contains increment value button, decrement value button, text field. Supports all events except drag and drop
 CSplitHolderSplitHolder is part of SpaceVIL.HorizontalSplitArea and SpaceVIL.VerticalSplitArea. SplitHolder is responsible for handler dragging. Supports all events including drag and drop
 CTabTab is used in SpaceVIL.TabView. Represents tab of one page. Contains close button. Supports all including drag and drop
 CTabViewTabView is a special container designed to group items within specific tab page. TabView cannot receive any events, so TabView is always in the SpaceVIL.Core.ItemStateType.Base state
 CTextAreaTextArea is a basic implementation of a user interface editable text area. Contains text area, scroll bars, menu button, navigation context menu. Supports all events except drag and drop
 CTextEditTextEdit is a basic implementation of a user interface editable text field that contains only one line. Supports all events except drag and drop
 CTextViewTextView is designed to display non-editable text with the ability to select and copy. TextView wraps contained text in the current width. Supports all events including drag and drop
 CTitleBarTitleBar is the basic implementation of a user interface tittle bar of window. Extended from SpaceVIL.WindowAnchor. WindowAnchor is class representing the draggable window type of an item. Contains icon, text, minimize button, maximize button, close button. Supports all events except drag and drop despite that this class is draggable type
 CToolTipToolTip is a static class for SpaceVIL.ToolTipItem managing. Every window has its own ToolTipItem
 CToolTipItemToolTipItem is sealed class representing basic user unterface tooltip. You cannot work with this class directly. Use SpaceVIL.ToolTip instead
 CTreeItemTreeItem is designed to be a node for SpaceVIL.TreeView (branch-leaf type of container). Can be as leaf node or as branch node. Branch node can contains another branches and leafs. Leaf node cannot contains any nodes. Contains text, icon, indicator (branch only). Supports all events except drag and drop
 CTreeViewTreeView is special container designed to show content as tree view structure. Extended from SpaceVIL.ListBox. Supports all events except drag and drop
 CTriangleTriangle is a subclass that extends from SpaceVIL.Primitive for rendering an triangle shape
 CVerticalScrollBarVerticalScrollBar is the basic implementation of a user interface scroll bar (vertical version). Contains arrow buttons, slider. By default ability to get focus is disabled. Supports all events except drag and drop
 CVerticalSliderVerticalSlider is the basic implementation of a user interface slider (vertical version). Contains track, handler. Supports all events including drag and drop (internal handler (SpaceVIL.ScrollHandler) supports drag and drop events)
 CVerticalSplitAreaVerticalSplitArea is a container with two divided areas (on top and on bottom). VerticalSplitArea implements SpaceVIL.Core.IHLayout. Contains SpaceVIL.SplitHolder. By default ability to get focus is disabled. Supports all events except drag and drop
 CVerticalStackVerticalStack is a class that represents a line type container (vertical version). VerticalStack groups items one after another using content alignment, margins, paddings, sizes and size policies. VerticalStack implements SpaceVIL.Core.IVLayout. By default ability to get focus is disabled. VerticalStack cannot receive any events, so VerticalStack is always in the SpaceVIL.Core.ItemStateType.Base state
 CWindowAnchorWindowAnchor is class representing the draggable window type of an item. Supports all events except drag and drop despite that this class is draggable type
 CWindowManagerWindowManager is a static class that is designed to manage instances of a window and entire application. Provides control for changing render frequency, render type, vertical sync, adding/closing windows, exiting the app and more
 CWindowsBoxWindowsBox is a storage-class that provides an access to existing windows by name and Guid
 CWrapAreaWrapArea is a scrollable container for other elements with ability of selection. WrapArea groups elements in cells of a certain size. It can be oriented vertically or horizontally. WrapArea is part of SpaceVIL.WrapGrid which controls scrolling, resizing and etc. Supports all events except drag and drop
 CWrapGridWrapGrid is a container and manager of SpaceVIL.WrapArea (scrollable container for other elements with ability of selection, groups elements in cells of a certain size) and scroll bars. WrapGrid controls scrolling, resizing and other actions of SpaceVIL.WrapArea. Contains list area, scroll bars, scroll menu. Supports all events except drag and drop